(cOsAsDiveRTIdAs:238216) Nature in Camouflage

No 1: Giraffe.
Having a giraffe: A Giraffe in Transvaal,                                                       South Africa.                                                       Wolfe's 35-year                                                       career has spanned                                                       every continent as                                                       he has followed                                                       his passion for                                                       the environment
No 2: A wolf peering out from trees.
Can't see the wolf from the trees: A wolf                                                       peering out from                                                       behind a tree                                                       trunk in an autumn                                                       Montana forest
No 3: Can you spot the caiman?
Eye spy: A spectacled caiman in Llanos,                                                       Venezuela. Wolfe                                                       worked to make it                                                       visually                                                       challenging to the                                                       viewer by using                                                       depth of field,                                                       scale and                                                       placement and                                                       confusing the                                                       subject
No 4: Tricky one this! Can you find the owl!
A Great Horned Owl uses colour and                                                       disruptive                                                       patterns in its                                                       plumage to                                                       disappear in a                                                       temperate forest                                                       in Oregons Malheur                                                       National Wildlife                                                       Refuge
 No. 5 Don't know what a pika is but it is hiding in here somewhere!
An American Pika performing a vanishing act                                                       in the Cascade                                                       Range of                                                       Washington
Oh I just spotted it! Now that is what I call sneaky!
No 6: Can you find the snake by his eyes!
Snake eyes: A horned adder matches the                                                       colour of the sand                                                       in the Namib                                                       Desert, Namibia,                                                       where they bury                                                       themselves using a                                                       swimming motion to                                                       disappear beneath                                                       the hot surface
No 7: How about the leopard?
Can you spot me? A Leopard conceals herself                                                       in vegetation at                                                       the base of a tree                                                       in Kruger National                                                       Park, Transvaal,                                                       South Africa
No 8 A Squirrel?
A California Ground Squirrel blending in                                                       with its rocky                                                       environment
No 9: Wow this owl is amazing!
Bark and hide: A Great Gray Owl positions                                                       itself in front of                                                       a similar pattern                                                       to take advantage                                                       of his camouflage                                                       in Oregon, United                                                       States
No 10: There definitely a spotted deer in here! Honest!
Invisible: A male Spotted Deer disappears                                                       among sun-dappled                                                       vegetation in                                                       Ranthambore                                                       National Park,                                                       Rajasthan, India
No 11: A white tailed ptarmigan!
White-tailed Ptarmigan in Churchill,                                                       Manitoba, Canada
How many? Would you believe a flock of 6? Look closer!
No 12: There is an impala in here somewhere!
The long grass: An Impala hiding in                                                       vegetation in                                                       Botswana's Chobe                                                       National Park,                                                       Africa
No 13: A cheetah cub
A sandy place to hide: A cheetah cub                                                       disguised against                                                       the Kalahari                                                       Desert, South                                                       Africa
No 14: a common snipe in the shoreline
Water good place to hide: A Common Snipe,                                                       well hidden in the                                                       shoreline                                                       vegetation of a                                                       Minnesota stream
No 15: a night hawk
Out of sight hawk: A nighthawk resting on                                                       rocks where it                                                       blends into its                                                       surroundings in                                                       eastern                                                       Washington
No 16: a coyote at the edge of the bush
Snow way I'll be spotted here: A coyote                                                       camouflaged in the                                                       surrounding brush                                                       at the edge of a                                                       snow dusted field,                                                       Washington State,                                                       USA
No 17: a blue dacnis
Branching out: A well-concealed blue dacnis                                                       takes a rest in                                                       foliage in Panama
Isn't nature amazing?

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